
Monday, August 31, 2009

Big boy!

Cannin and I had an eventful morning...I got up not feeling well and with a terrible headache! I figured most of the day would be spent around the house just resting, and watching Can but not getting to close just incase...I felt like I had been beat with a stick. Well after a bloody nose my son gave me I had enough. We had to get out of the house. We ventured to our favorite store...AWWWW!!!!! This is the best place for retail therapy. You can browse at all the clothes, bedding, and alot of stuff I wish I could afford. LOL. But I did find Cannin a little something he has been needing.His very own BIG BOY SEAT! He loves it I hate it...not the seat just the fact that he already needs one. :( I thought I was going to tear up taking out his infant carrier and base...but life goes on and those babies grow up! So when we get home there is a box at our front door! Thanks Grammie,Grumpies, and Uncle Jar-Jar. It of course was full of clothes and toys for Cannin, but that's ok because when you show him his new stuff his face just lights up!

But we are sorry Grammie...Cannin wanted to play with the box more than anything!

Last night this verse kept popping into my mind and I just felt I needed to share it...

Be still and know that I am GOD. I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world. Psalm 46:10

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